Final Evaluation of Forest Restoration to Enhance Ecosystem Services in Afghanistan (FREESIA) Project

Forest Restoration to Enhance Ecosystem Services in Afghanistan (FREESIA)


Daria Sabz Development and Sustainability Consulting partnered with AKF(Afg) to conduct a final review of the FREESIA project. AKF-Afghanistan implements this project with the support of the UN Environment Programme implementing a project titled “Forest Restoration for Enhanced Ecosystem Services Functioning in Afghanistan” (FREESIA) funded by the Republic of Korea. The project aims to improve environmental decision-making
based on a better understanding of the impact of human actions on ecosystems and the social context that drives those actions. The FREESIA project involves three years of activity both at the national and sub-national levels to improve forest management and build institutional capacity in the natural resources management sector.


The objectives of this final review are:

Project sites:

Bamyan, Daikundi and Takhar provinces


Aga Khan Foundation-Afghanistan

Focus Group Discussion, Daikondi
Meeting community elders and discussing project activities in Takhar province
Biophysical Structures established in Daikundi, Takhar and Bamyan